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"From the time when we first met in film school, Oktay has always been able to provide professional level discussions on every aspect of screenwriting."


- John Vasicek, Writer/Director of Feature Film "Voyeur", Official Selection, Sonoma Film Festival, 2008

"Oktay was a big help when I was having trouble on my screenplay. He turned my script around and was instrumental in giving it the voice, the structure and finesse it needed. I would definitely recommend him to anyone having script trouble. Whether you need help writing your first script or you need someone to do a complete overhaul of your completed screenplay, Oktay will do a great job for you."


- John Parker Sullivan, Writer/Director

"Oktay Ege is very knowledgable about  dramatic genres. As a film critic he’s analyzed hundreds of movies of all types. He brought this vast experience to my writing project. 


A fabulous script doctor, he identified the structural, character and story strengths in my movie script.  Since he’s a writer himself, he generously brain-stormed ideas and supported where I wanted my story to go. Clearly, he loves writers and relishes our shared work.


His easy and respectful manner helped me focus on growing as a writer.  He has an international background with all the insight that brings. This family man will guide with humor and high values.  And honestly, it’s loads of fun to work with him."


- Irena Grant, Screenwriter/Playwright


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